#!/usr/bin/env node
const child_process = require("child_process");
const cluster = require("cluster");
const express = require("express");
const metricsServer = express();
const AggregatorRegistry = require("prom-client").AggregatorRegistry;
const aggregatorRegistry = new AggregatorRegistry();
const argv = require("yargs").argv;
const yaml = require("js-yaml");
const winston = require("winston");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const os = require("os");
const configFile = argv.c || argv.config;
const help = argv.h || argv.help;
const init = argv._[0] === "init" ? "init" : null;
const restore = argv._[0] === "restore" ? "restore" : null;
const osCPUs = require("os").cpus().length;
const camouflage = require("../dist/index");
const site_root = path.join(child_process.execSync("npm root -g").toString().trim(), "camouflage-server");
const fse = require("fs-extra");
* If user runs command camouflage -h, this if block will log the required format for a config.yml file and exit.
if (help) {
"Create a config.yml file as shown in the sample yml below",
`loglevel: 'info'`,
`cpus: 1`,
` port: 5555`,
` cert: "./certs/server.cert"`,
` key: "./certs/server.key"`,
` http:`,
` mocks_dir: "./mocks"`,
` port: 8080"`,
` https:`,
` enable: false`,
` port: 8443`,
` http2:`,
` enable: true`,
` port: 8081`,
` grpc:`,
` enable: false`,
` port: 5000`,
` mocks_dir: "./grpc/mocks"`,
` protos_dir: "./grpc/protos"`,
` enable: true`,
` cron: "0 * * * *" # Hourly Backup`,
* If user runs command camouflage init and if the current working directory is empty,
* this if block will copy mocks, grpc, config.yml from the globally installed camouflage source files.
* And it will create an empty directory for certs, where users would place their generated server.cert and server.key files.
* If the directory is not empty, application will exit with an error message.
if (init) {
if (fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(process.cwd())).length === 0) {
fse.copySync(path.join(site_root, "mocks"), path.join(process.cwd(), "mocks"));
fse.copySync(path.join(site_root, "grpc"), path.join(process.cwd(), "grpc"));
fse.copySync(path.join(site_root, "ws_mocks"), path.join(process.cwd(), "ws_mocks"));
fse.copySync(path.join(site_root, "config.yml"), path.join(process.cwd(), "config.yml"));
fse.mkdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "certs"));
} else {
console.error("Current directory is not empty. Camouflage cannot initialize a project in a non empty directory.");
* If config file is not passed while starting the app, this block will log an error message and exit.
if (!configFile) {
console.error("Please provide a config file.");
* If a valid config file is found, load the data using yaml loader
config = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(configFile, "utf-8"));
* Define logger with specified configured log level
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: config.loglevel,
format: winston.format.combine(
winston.format.timestamp({ format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" }),
winston.format.printf((log) => `${log.timestamp} ${log.level}: ${log.message}` + (log.splat !== undefined ? `${log.splat}` : " "))
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console(),
new winston.transports.File({
filename: path.join(process.cwd(), "camouflage.log"),
* If user runs command camouflage restore, this block will look for a .camouflage_backup directory
* in users' home directory. If not found, it will log an error and exit, else it'll copy the contents
* of the backup directory to the mocks/grpc mocks/certs directories, as defined in config.yml file
if (restore) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(os.homedir(), ".camouflage_backup"))) {
logger.info("Restoring from previous backup.");
const httpMocks = path.join(os.homedir(), ".camouflage_backup", "mocks");
const grpcMocks = path.join(os.homedir(), ".camouflage_backup", "grpc", "mocks");
const grpcProtos = path.join(os.homedir(), ".camouflage_backup", "grpc", "protos");
const wsMocks = path.join(os.homedir(), ".camouflage_backup", "ws_mocks");
const key = path.join(os.homedir(), ".camouflage_backup", "certs", "server.key");
const cert = path.join(os.homedir(), ".camouflage_backup", "certs", "server.cert");
if (fs.existsSync(httpMocks)) fse.copySync(httpMocks, path.resolve(config.protocols.http.mocks_dir));
if (fs.existsSync(grpcMocks)) fse.copySync(grpcMocks, path.resolve(config.protocols.grpc.mocks_dir));
if (fs.existsSync(grpcProtos)) fse.copySync(grpcProtos, path.resolve(config.protocols.grpc.protos_dir));
if (fs.existsSync(wsMocks)) fse.copySync(wsMocks, path.resolve(config.protocols.ws.mocks_dir));
if (fs.existsSync(key)) fse.copySync(key, path.resolve(config.ssl.key));
if (fs.existsSync(cert)) fse.copySync(cert, path.resolve(config.ssl.cert));
logger.info("Restore complete.");
} else {
logger.error("No existing backup found.");
* Defined only for logging purposes, does not hold any significance from application logic perspective.
let inputsKeys = [
* Create a configuration array in the order of parameters as defined by start() function in main app.
* The reason we are storing the parameters in an is to have a error check in case of undefined values,
* before we actually pass the values to start() function. If all values are passed correctly,
* start() function can be called by simply spreading the array ...inputs
let inputs = [
config.ssl.key || path.join(site_root, "certs", "server.key"),
config.ssl.cert || path.join(site_root, "certs", "server.cert"),
config.protocols.https.port || 8443,
config.protocols.http2.port || 8081,
config.protocols.ws.port || 8082,
config.protocols.grpc.host || "localhost",
config.protocols.grpc.port || 4312,
config.protocols.grpc.mocks_dir || path.join(site_root, "grpc", "mocks"),
config.protocols.grpc.protos_dir || path.join(site_root, "grpc", "protos"),
config.loglevel || "info",
config.backup.enable || true,
config.backup.cron || "0 * * * *",
config.ext_helpers || null,
* Number of cpus to be defined to spin up workers accordingly. If number of CPUs specified is greater
* than available number of cores, log an error and exit. Default value 1.
* Fetch monitoring port for aggregated metrics (prometheus). Default value 5555.
const numCPUs = config.cpus || 1;
const monitoringPort = config.monitoring.port || 5555;
if (numCPUs > osCPUs) {
logger.error("Number of CPUs specified is greater than or equal to availale CPUs. Please specify a lesser number.");
* Spin up 1 master and n workers, where n is defined by numCPUs variable.
* If the instance is master, debug log configuration parameters.
if (cluster.isMaster) {
logger.debug(`Camouflage configuration:\n========\n${inputsKeys.join(" | ")}\n========\n${inputs.join(" | ")}\n========\n`);
logger.info(`[${process.pid}] Master Started`);
// If current node is a master node, use it to start X number of workers, where X comes from config
for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
let worker = cluster.fork();
// Attach a listner to each worker, so that if worker sends a restart message, running workers can be killed
worker.on("message", (message) => {
if (message === "restart") {
for (let id in cluster.workers) {
// If workers are killed or crashed, a new worker should replace them
cluster.on("exit", (worker, code, signal) => {
logger.warn(`[${worker.process.pid}] Worker Stopped ${new Date(Date.now())}`);
let newWorker = cluster.fork();
// Same listener to be attached to new workers
newWorker.on("message", (message) => {
if (message === "restart") {
for (let id in cluster.workers) {
* Define a metrics server to be used to gather and publish aggregated prometheus metrics.
* Per worker metrics are also avaulable via a UI, but only useful if running with single worker instance.
metricsServer.get("/metrics", async (req, res) => {
try {
const metrics = await aggregatorRegistry.clusterMetrics();
res.set("Content-Type", aggregatorRegistry.contentType);
} catch (ex) {
res.statusCode = 500;
* Start metricsServer on specified port
logger.info(`Cluster metrics server listening to ${monitoringPort}, metrics exposed on http://localhost:${monitoringPort}/metrics`);
} else {
* If all checks pass and process has not exited yet, and the cluster instance type is of worker,
* Start the main application with the required parameters